SCC Interview with MOE

A Conversation Between MOE and the Student Curatorial Committee (SCC)
This interview happened on February 20, 2020 in the typical meeting place of the SCC, the conference room at Dr. MLK Jr. School. Ana, Diana, Isaiah, Rocky, Solianna, Ja'Miyah, and Roz interviewed MOE about the photographs they selected from his larger body of work.

From the curators: Moe’s show is very funny, random, and interesting. We picked these photos because they were so funny. We like them because Moe does what he likes. That is very unique.

Solianna: Why’d you start taking pictures?

MOE: Because photography is a way that I can communicate with other people. Through pictures.

Isaiah: That’s kinda deep for a second grader. Your vocabulary is on point. I will hire you for any job. [everyone laughs] 

Diana: What did you think of working with us?


Rocky: You like it? Most people wouldn’t. [all laughing] 

Diana: We’re too crazy.

Isaiah: When did you get your camera? 

MOE: November 4th last year. 

All: On your birthday!!

MOE: [smiling]

Rocky: When did you start your photography? 

MOE: I started that last year. I got into it because my mom used to do it, and I was inspired by her. 

Ja'Miyah: So it’s passed down through generations. What do you take photos of?

MOE: People, plants, other things…

Ja'Miyah: When you take pictures of those things, why do you want to take pictures of those certain things?

MOE: I just like taking pictures. 

Roz: Does it make you feel happy?

MOE: Yes.

Roz: Does it make you feel mad?

MOE: No!

Roz: Does it make you feel sad?


Rocky: Does it make you feel anything else besides happy?


Roz: Does it make you feel curious? 

MOE: Yes! [all say yes!]

Roz: Does it make you feel excited?

All: Yes!!!!!

Rocky: Does it make you want to hurry up and go back home?

MOE: No!!!!

Isaiah: If it’s not Roz, then who do you take pictures with? 

MOE: My mind!!!

Roz: You take pictures with your mind? How do you do it?

MOE: [blinking rapidly]

Diana: How do you get the perfect picture?

MOE: FOCUS!!!!! FOCUS! Focusssssssss. 

Isaiah: Where did you get that [item of clothing] you’re wearing?

MOE: It’s called a thobe. 

Roz: What is a thobe?

MOE: A thobe is a type of robe or dress that comes from Arabic and some south countries. I got it at some place, I don’t remember where I got it. It’s part of my culture. 

Ana: Do I even have a culture? [everyone laughs] 

Isaiah: I’m pretty sure everyone does. 

Ja'Miyah: I have a culture. My culture is African American, so sometimes we have braids, ponytails, buns, and we don’t really rock the straight hair style. 

Isaiah: Only curls. 

Ja'Miyah: We rock the curls. My Afro-Puff, Yes! [singing] Poofy-poofs.

Isaiah: What was your theme based on the photos? We picked a theme about random and funny, what was yours? 

MOE: My theme was basically funny, too. And also a bit of Black history - I like Black history month.

Rocky: Why did you decide to take a picture of the sky and the staff? Why did you want to make a collage?

MOE: I like collages because you just put random things together. I chose people!

Ana: Do you ever take a feeling picture? Photos that show feeling.

MOE: I take a lot of photos of people, and I want them to be like [gestures like a lion getting ready to pounce] or scary or happy or sad or mad or something like that. Or a type of animal. 

Ja'Miyah: Can you show us the animals that you want the people to be like?

MOE: [pretends to be a bunny, then a tiger], [growling]. [all laughing together]

Roz: Is it like you’re trying to take portraits of people that show emotions? 

MOE: Yes because it makes it more funny and fun. 

Ana: Not just that...Have you ever taken a picture where there’s no one in it, but you still feel this type of emotion? 

MOE: Yahhh, like taking a picture of a painting or…

Ana: No, not like taking a picture of a painting with a person in it, like a meadow with flowers or something.

MOE: I like roses. 

All: Roses are red, violets are blue, my heart is dead...why did I fall for you? [singing]

Roz: Why do you like roses?

MOE: Because roses are in Beauty and the Beast, and that’s one of my favoriteeee movies. That’s why I like roses. I just like roses.

Ja'Miyah: You’re adorable and funny, and the best. How many years do you think you’re going to keep doing this? 

MOE: ‘Till I’m 100 years old.

Ja'Miyah: IF you eat your vegetables. When you’re 40, you have to start eating vegetables.

Ana: Eat your vegetables and stay healthy, and then you’ll live a very long time.

Rocky: I have a really deep question for you. Why are you the way you are? 

Isaiah: MOE is MOE, you can’t change that.

Ja'Miyah: Ja'Miyah is Ja'Miyah, Isaiah is Isaiah. [all laughing]

SCC Interview with Lauren Prado